Celebrating Easter 2021
Art has been a large part of Christianity, especially since medieval times. Here we chat about Easter depicted through the centuries in all forms of art, from painting to stained glass and discuss its historical impact.
Art has been a large part of Christianity, especially since medieval times. Here we chat about Easter depicted through the centuries in all forms of art, from painting to stained glass and discuss its historical impact.
It has been a challenging 12 months for all of us. For many, these times have been dark and difficult. It has inspired our designer to look forward with bright hope and add some much needed colour and light into our lives.
Each year on the 23rd April, England celebrates the Feast Day of St George. But who was this man we have hailed as a national hero, born not in England but more than 2,000 miles away in Turkey!
Known as the father of English History, Bede is considered one of the most revered and respected men of his time, the title 'venerable' acknowledging his wisdom and scholarly learning.
Psalm 23 was written by King David during his early life as a sheepherder. This beautiful verse conveys the caring and responsibility that a shepherd has towards his flock.
It will soon be Christmas - how quickly the last 12 months have flown by! This year will see us being together more as families and communities, as our progress towards better health continues.
Coming Soon
So, our blog will basically be monthly Christian insights that we hope you will find enjoyable to read. It is easy to write of things you know about or love. We want our blogs to be relevant to our website but at the same time to be of interest to our customers. With a long and varied career within the Christian marketplace, we are certainly experts in all things to do with card production. Our Christian Cards for all occasions are designed exclusively by ourselves in-house and all feature Scripture verse.
So, what will we be blogging about? Well, there are so many wonderful Church celebrations throughout the year that we will certainly have lots of material to choose from. In roughly a week's time, it will be St Georges Day, so that will be an interesting topic to blog about and as we head out of lockdown - the image of our patron saint slaying the dragon has extra meaning to it's symbolism!
Augustine of Hippo(354-430) profoundly influenced future writers with his emphasis on truth and moral instruction, above considerations of style. Despite this, Western writing flourished and many significant writers of both prose and poetry appeared, reaching their peak in the 13th century with the Italian poet, Dante Alighieri. The 15th and 16th centuries are often regarded as a time when the Western mind broke free of Christian dogma and began to assert its freedom. Writers such as Shakespeare, did not write specifically Christian drama but did write against the moral backdrop of the generally accepted Christian view of the universe, as did writers such as Rabelais and Cervantes.
In recent centuries, as Christian belief has declined in the West and the accepted world view has changed and fragmented, so the Christian contribution to the world of literature is increasingly difficult to identify. Writers who have managed to convey their Christian vision through their work stand out as exceptions and include writers such as C.S. Lewis, T. S. Eliot, and Leo Tolstoy.
If you are interested in writing for the Christian market, then the ACW might be of interest to you. The Association of Christian Writers is a charity run by Christian writers for Christian writers and is a UK based organisation. Their mission is to seek to encourage and inspire like-minded individuals and support them in their Christian writing. Members receive their quarterly magazine, 'Christian Writer', which is filled with articles about writing as a Christian. There are also many resources on offer to help someone on their writing journey. Most of the committee of volunteers are published writers themselves, so there will be a wealth of experience to be gained if you are interested in developing your own Christian writing.
You can find their website here: https://christianwriters.org.uk